Sofia Literary Agency

Sofia Literary Agency represents Bulgarian authors and titles in the field of literary fiction, poetry and children’s books.

Marin Bodakov’s poetry launches a battle with small, powerful poems that span a lifetime. Desire for love, a parent, lost home, yearning in chaos of destruction, the poet searches for meaning. “This book supplies the light,” as it spans the evolution of a man facing mortality, seeking inner children, reconciling loss and love. A glorious collection glimmering with images of the sea where peacefulness is sought. Poems to be cherished as it defines, “chaos, which pronounces the unpronounceable” offered with grace and dignity, beauty and mastery.“

– B. Elizabeth Beck, Dancing on the Page

POETRY, 190 pages, 2022


This collection pulls poems from Bodakov’s various books to give us a portrait of a poet over the course of a life in writing, a portrait that is also an elegy for a man who cataloged longing and grief, loneliness and loss like few others. And though these poems circle around loss, absence, and failure more than any other feeling, they are not poems that give up in despair. No, a macabre, self-deprecating humor and wit enlivens them. And even more, the voice of these poems is tinged with compassion. Bodakov sings of a body that long to forgive and be forgiven, „to make peace while we’re still here.“ He sings of a man that seeks friendship and communion, of a son who mourns the death of his father. His poetry is like the „Guileless sky“ he writes about, one that „turns sins into mistakes, wine into water. Me into you.“ Let us sit under that sky for a while and drink the water he gives us. „

– Jeremy Padenis

cover design by KIRIL ZLATKOV

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